Wednesday 26 December 2012

Chorui Pakhi

House Sparrows also known as ‘Chorui Pakhi’ are well-known bird in Bangladesh. They are usually seen in small to medium-sized groups, but may occur in huge numbers. The male has a conspicuous grey crown, black face and throat, and dark black and brown upperparts. The remainder of the under parts are pale grey-brown. When breeding, the black of the throat extends to the chest and upper belly. The bill also changes from brown to black. The female is slightly paler than the male and lacks the grey crown and black face, instead having a pale buff eye stripe. Young House Sparrows are similar to the adult female, but are duller with some mottling on the crown, and have a darker bill.
House Sparrow (Chorui Pakhi)
Scientific Name
Passer domesticus
5-6 inches long with 9-inch wingspan, stocky body
Male and female House Sparrows form permanent pair bonds. Both sexes build the nest and care for the young, though the female alone incubates the eggs. The nest is a large, untidy ball of grass, wool and feathers, lined with feathers and finer plant material. It is usually located in suitable areas in buildings, such as roof voids and crevices in walls, but may be placed under bridges, in thick bushes or in tree hollows. Several broods may be produced in the extended breeding season.
·         Colors: Black, brown, white, buff, gray
Birds eat insects, spiders, berries, seeds, flower buds and scraps of food discarded by humans. There are many reports of birds entering canteens in buildings to feed, with birds even learning to activate automatic doors in order to gain entry.
Thick and conical, black in males and lighter in females. Males have black chin and bib with white cheeks and rust colored cap and nape of neck, pale abdomen and black and brown streaking on back and wings. Males also have a single white wing bar. Females are plainer, with a buff eyebrow, brown and buff streaked wings and back and a lighter bill.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Travelling Asia

Baya weaver also known as 'Babui Pakhi' in Bangladesh and other parts of south Asia. Usually weaves its own house on tree branch. It is especially known for its crafts.

NameBaya Weaver (a.k.a Indian Weaver Bird)
Scientific NamePloceus philippinus
Weaverbirds are seed eating birds with rounded conical bills and are closely related to finches. They are known for their elaborately woven nests. The Baya weaver is a gregarious bird and breeds in colonies that can be found in scattered trees in open country.
Despite the scientific name Ploceus philippinus, they are found through mainland India and not in Philippines.
IdentificationThe breeding male Baya weaver (shown in the picture) has a bright yellow crown and a dark brown mask around the eye. Non-breeding males and females resemble female house sparrows. They also lack the dark brown mask.